April 14, 2014

Free and Stressfree Art Show Frames!

I don't know a single teacher who actually enjoys matting, mounting and prepping artwork for shows. This is one area I am glad I don't have to waste too much time on being from the elementary. 
I was putting together artwork for a show today and within 15 minutes I had matted 7 pieces! 
How can one mat so fast? 
First, I don't cut my mats. 
My local frame shop does! 
My local frame shop donates their mats, mat scraps and foam core scraps to me a few times a year. I have boxes of beautiful mats that may have been miscut, dinged, or dented.  Since I am not submitting artwork into any major shows where the matting would matter I take this handout whenever I can! 

I store the frames in boxes in my supply room.

Tada! Beautiful frames-no cutting or money required! 
I store the frames, mats and foam core in boxes. I need to go back and organize my frames by size again!
Scraps of matboard, these are sorted by color.

Foamcore scraps
So before you cut or buy another mat, ask you local frame shop if they would be willing to donate their 'second' mats to you. I get calls a few times a year from the shop and if no one takes them they just throw them out! 
What are the best freebies that you get? 

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