April 25, 2015

In the Art Room...#13 Lions and Tigers and Portraits Oh My!

Another week in the books! This week we had state math tests and I was preparing for an art show as well. We are finally finishing our clay projects too!
I finished these handful of flowers with kindergartners. They traced and cut their own hands for this project. I use Crayola's erasable highlighter to help kids with cutting.  We did smoosh flowers (I drew flowers on the back). This kiddo missed smooshed painting day so he colored his. All the parts are stored in their ziploc bags until they are glued to a large 12x18 paper. I glued the hands for them too. I got these done early this year so they are hanging in our hallways, maybe spring will finally make an appearance?
We had a pretty chilly week here. The heat had to be turned back on and I am less than pleased with that idea. But anyways..

2nd graders started their self portraits this week. I put door mirrors in book stands for a cheap mirror solution. 
We spent about 25 minutes making these portraits step by step. Students use the mirrors to observe lines and shapes in their faces. These portraits will be transformed next week. It's a surprise so I can't share it yet! 
3rd graders began to color their bodies on their portraits too. They use colored pencils for this project. Students are given a photo reference to work from. I also introduced Crayola's Color Sticks to them. They are thick woodless colored pencils and amazing for working on large areas. NO sharpening required! The 24 pack has flesh (skin? What's the PC term?) colors that match up with Crayola's multi cultural regular colored pencil pack.
A bunch of kindergartners drawing their faces while lying on their bellies. Pretty cute. Enough said. 
Before they get colors, they add details on their shirts and shoes. I still need to go through and draw their shirt and pant lines to help them out. 
I was inspired by this Facebook post  from Eric Wahl, that states that coloring may lower your blood pressure by 10 points. As we were nearing the end of state testing I figured this week would be a good time for a coloring break. 
This work in progress was in the faculty room. 
I found lots of adult coloring pages (many of which were blocked by the school's filter...whoops). My best free finds were Print Mandala and In the Playroom. You can find adult coloring books at Barnes and Noble too!
I love when kids volunteer to clean stuff. This kiddo cleaned and organized the clay cart for me. He earned some creative coupons so he can come make his own clay project. 

This is the only in progress shot of 6th grade coil pots. And this was the last clay day of the year! WOOT! I love clay but I am looking forward to putting the supplies and mess away. It overtakes the art room. 
1st graders go to the zoo each May. So around this time I like to do an animal project of some sort to get them excited when they see the real animal at the zoo! I gave them a demo on how draw elephants, giraffes, lions and tigers. Or grumpy tigers as we discovered. 
We outlined these with sharpies. We will be painting them next week. Not sure if I am going to go with watercolors or acrylic paint yet. But we will be looking at Henri Rousseau for inspiration. 
And this afternoon I have a district wide art show. It's a one day, four hour show at a cafeteria. =/ 
I spent the week prepping and stole this idea from Ms.Art.Teacher.Lady on Instagram. What a time saver! Bulletin board paper and hot glue! Tack corners or edges with hot glue, roll it up and take it to the show to be hung up. The best part is once I take it down I can hang it up quickly back at school too! 
Do you have a district art show? Where and how is yours held?

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